Skin surfacing helps in making the skin look younger and healthier again. Your skin might be facing acne, aging, or too much sun exposure might have left your face with scars, wrinkles, blotches, or lines. This treatment will help in removing the skin layer by layer, with precision. The novel skin cells that are formed during the healing process will generate a younger and tighter-looking surface. The treatment can be done alone or with cosmetic surgery on the face.
At Josan Holistic Hospital, we use fractional CO2 laser resurfacing because it delivers narrow columns of laser light to your skin without affecting the skin much. The collagen between the treated laser holes contracts and thus tightens the skin. After the treatment, your skin will be red and feel sunburned and sensitive. The recovery time with fractional laser resurfacing is one week. Before proceeding with the procedure, we will analyze your medical history, current physical condition, and desired results.